Training session for weed watchers led by Romie Sanford who pioneered this program

Training session for weed watchers led by Romie Sanford who pioneered this program


Example of Invasive Species Water-milfoil

Weed Watching

Several species of invasive weeds threaten Lake Warren. Association volunteers actively search for underwater weed outbreaks and report findings to the LWPA, keeping our water clean and clear for future generations.

Water Sampling

Volunteer water samplers support the environmental monitoring efforts of DES. By sampling the lake several times each year over a period of years, the LWPA is able to help collect data about long term water quality trends.  Sampling includes the streams that flow into Lake Warren, and its watershed. Volunteers helps us detect water quality changes, allowing DES to trace potential problems to their source before the quality of the lake is severely impacted.


A sample Watershed from Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Lake Hosting

The Lake Host Program is a courtesy boat inspection program administered by NH LAKES. This program  prevents the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species, plants and animals.

Invasive species such as variable milfoil and Asian Clams in Lake Warren are undesirable. They make recreation in and on the water dangerous and unpleasant,  disrupt the ecological balance of the lake, they reduce shoreline property values and are difficult and expensive to control.

Watershed Management

The Lake Warren watershed area includes approximately 4.9 miles that drains in to the lake and lies entirely in the town of Alstead. The LWPA works to protect and preserve water resources and other identified natural areas that impact the lake. The LWPA's Watershed Management Plan is approved by both the DES and the Alstead Planning Board.  The plan makes the town eligible to apply for federal and state and private grants.  Funds help support stabilize and improve the health of the lake and its water quality.