The Lake Warren Preservation Association (LWPA) was formed in 1985 to promote friendship and communication among its membership and the community and to preserve lake Warren and its environments. The LWPA has been vigilant in its mission to keep the lake as healthy as possible for the enjoyment of future generations.



Lake Warren is located in Alstead New Hampshire in Cheshire County.  Alstead has an area of 39.7 square miles of land and 0.4 square miles of inland waters. The Cold River and Warren Brook flow through the northern part of Alstead and join together east of the village center. The two largest ponds are Lake Warren in the east and Caldwell Pond in the south. Lake Warren is accessible from NH 123.  The Lake is 185.5 acres, relatively shallow with a maximum depth of 13.8 feet and an average depth of 7.2 feet. The entire watershed for Lake Warren lies within the Town of Alstead.

Our Activities Include

  • Monitoring Water Quality: Water samples are collected by LWPA volunteers in the summer months and are analyzed by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Membership dues cover the cost of lab fees. Analysis of the data provided by this activity contributed to the development of the Lake Warren Watershed Management Plan.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Program: Volunteer and paid Lake Hosts trained by the New Hampshire Lake Association man the boat launch inspecting boats entering and leaving the lake for "hitchhiker" invasive weeds. Volunteer Weed Watchers monitor the lake for suspect weeds from May through October.

  • Watershed Management: The Alstead Planning Board incorporated the Lake Warren Watershed Management Plan into the town's Master Plan in September, 2017. The LWPA led the plan's development with the help of the Southwest Region Planning commission, FB Environmental Associates and a grant from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Implementation will entail long-term and diverse efforts by essentially all persons and organizations in the watershed.  The LWPA Watershed Management Plan will be our essential guide from the outset, and we will be adapting and learning as we proceed.

What We've Achieved

  • The prevention of invasive species through boat inspection, weed watching and research.

  • A yearly Lake Hosting Program creating summer youth employment and volunteer opportunities within the community.

  • Environmental awareness. outreach and education within the local community

  • Monitoring of water quality to promote a healthy lake and watershed environment

  • A commitment to developing Lake Association Membership

  • A developing Lake Warren and Watershed Management Plan