Greetings to the LWPA Membership!


The news around Lake Warren is that Spring has Sprung! Color has returned as have many Snowbirds! We have many exciting events planned for the summer, but first:

  • Keep an eye out for a Survey regarding Pine Cliff Road

    The Select Board has asked us to partner with them to develop alternatives for Pine Cliff Road to address runoff issues, traffic and dust control.

    Note that this LWPA survey is separate from the recently issued survey from SWRPC concerning the “Complete Streets” initiative.


Mark Your Calendars!

  • June 22nd:  Saturday
    Membership Meeting at Orchard Hill Pavilion

  • June 5th:     Wednesday
    Informational Meeting presented by NHDES to discuss Instream Flow/Water Management Plan

  • June 20th:  Thursday
    Instream Flow Public Hearing by NHDES

Under the Instream Flow Rules, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is required to develop and adopt a Water Management Plan that sets forth how the protected instream flows will be maintained on the Cold River. The protected instream flow criteria are designed to maintain the range and variability of natural stream flow conditions which may require that the Town release water from the lake  during low flow conditions. 

  • Please renew your membership before the summer meeting:


    A membership form is attached. Eligibility to be a voting member requires:  the individual must be at least 18 years of age, reside in or own property in Alstead or have been previous members of the Association.

  • Additional donations are always welcome to support our Lake Host Program! 

  • Limited Edition LWPA T-shirts are in the works!


  • Newly formed Social Committee is lining up a roster of fun activities!
                             Come see what’s in store for 2024!